The Congress will attract more than 600 participants and we expect to have one of the most important international scientific events in Europe where scientists have a unique opportunity to discuss the latest research and development issues and experiences on a variety of subjects.

The congress will host a commercial and equipment exhibition at the Congress Venue which will remain open during the four days of the congress. As the Exhibition will definitely be one of the major attractions of the delegates and the focal point of the event, we encourage you to participate in it.

Apart from the exhibition, there will be Satellite Symposia, Sponsored lectures and many other options which will facilitate you to promote your company interests as well as to maximize the interaction among participants.

We will be more than happy to welcome you in Athens, believing that it is a great opportunity for your company to present some of your products and trusting that many of the issues to be discussed will meet your interest as well.

So, if you decide to highlight your company's presence at the 1st European Congress of Medical Physics, please contact the Professional Congress Organizer for further information.


105 Michalakopoulou Str.

11527 Athens, Greece

Tel.: +30 210 7711673

Fax: +30 210 7711289

